Fuhai Gas Station

by Guangzhou Zhenxiong

Projet Description

This project is a customized gas station design for Fuhai Group by Guangzhou Zhenxiong Decoration Engineering Company. Fuhai Group is one of the leading private oil companies in China’s Shandong Province. However, as the company’s consumer group changes over time to a younger generation, the old gas station design has become outdated and lost its competitiveness. The Group, meanwhile is undergoing a strategic transformation. Therefore, we reconsidered the company’s brand positioning and created a daring design for its brand and gas stations in the hope that the more distinguishable brand design would attract more younger customers.
After much research and thinking, the design team for the project decide to break away from the traditional impression of gas stations with simple color schemes, straight lines and little decoration. Instead, the team adopts a gradient color scheme and an unconventional architectural structure, a challenging task to present customers a brand new, youthful, and even subversive impression of the gas station.
So how does the team break the rules? It creates a structure featuring inclined columns and rounded corners, giving viewers a dynamic and refreshing feel at first glance. The gradient color scheme also adds extra dimension and style to the structure. The double-layer canopy, which is hollow (filled with ETFE membrane) and tilts upward, increases the illuminated area while conserving energy. The visually-pleasing structure looks delicate and light and is certainly the next trending spot for young people.
This design features lightness and fineness. With clean lines and multiple visual layers, it manages to break the conventional impression of gas stations that they are hefty and dull, and displays Fuhai’s brand philosophy of "breakthrough and dynamism".

Guangzhou Zhenxiong

ACE集团创始于1996年,由广州震雄装饰设计有限公司、广州震雄装饰工程有限公司、广州震科广告制作有限公司以及分布在北京、上海、武汉、深圳、南京、成都、西安、香港、菲律宾等地的分公司及办事处组成。ACE集团主营企业标识形象策划设计及广告标识产品的生产及安装,是一家集设计、制作、工程、项目管理、售后服务、贸易为一体,提供与国际知名品牌及国内著名企业相匹配的综合性广告标识服务的集团公司。集团于2002年通过了ISO9001:2000 质量管理体系认证,并先后多次通过了多家跨国企业长期的审查考核,成为众多大型企业指定的供应商,长期客户主要有:中国石化、中国石油、 BP、Shell、TOTAL、中海油、ATEM、广州本田、东南-三菱、北京现代、东风悦达起亚、长安福特、菲亚特、戴姆勒、东风本田、福田、奇瑞、建设银行、交通银行、招商银行、农业银行、沃尔玛、麦德龙、3M、中国移动、7-11、百佳、华润万佳、新白云机场、武汉轻轨、南方航空、深圳航空等。